


Focus More, Write Less

Note-taking Reimagined! Intellecture is the new intelligent way to study smarter and more efficiently

How it works. Intellecture is so easy:


Visit the website on your device – record any class lecture.


Simply upload the recording to Intellecture.


Receive a concise syllabus of that day’s lecture – in just minutes!

… notes for up to 30 classes or lectures – for just $5!

Lectures quickly transformed - into knowledge

With Intellecture, you’ll easily generate comprehensive lecture notes and simple flashcards.

Generate Notes

Intellecture uses AI to quickly and intelligently generate detailed notes from your recordings in class.

Create Flashcards

Need a study aide? Quickly turn your notes into flashcards – for effective studying.

About Intellecture

At Intellecture, we use advanced artificial intelligence – but in simple ways to make learning easier and more fun.

I’m Connor – the creator of Intellecture – and I’m a student just like you.

Just a few weeks into my first year here at my college in central Connecticut, I noticed many of classmates struggling to take notes in class… while trying to follow the presentation and keep up with the lecture. It seemed like everyone was falling behind – and I knew there had to be a better way.

I love technology – and I’m fascinated by AI. And I thought that might unlock the solution for me and for students just like me at campuses across the country.

After a little design, some trial-and-error, and lots of coding – Intellecture emerged ready for students to try.

I’m psyched for you to become part of our community, eager for you to join, and I’m looking forward to hearing about your experience with Intellecture. Thanks for checking us out!

- Connor